More than 150 volunteers planted 3500 indigenous trees on the outskirts of Broadford at the weekend.
The annual tree planting is an initiative of the Glenaroua Land Management Group.
“We’ve been creating bio links like this for over a quarter of a century to help reduce salinity, stabilise erosion and create vegetation corridors to maintain health ecosystems,” group president Paul Fleming said.

Coordinated by South West Goulburn Landcare facilitator Sonia Sharkey, the trees were planted along Cameron’s Creek on Burgess Rural property 3.5 kilometres northwest of Broadford.
“This is an important habitat highway for various animals to move around especially during disasters such as bushfire,” she said.
“It also attracts native birdlife and other fauna, provides a warm windbreak for animals, and improves water quality in adjacent creeks as it filters the livestock manure before it hits the creeks.”

Many of the volunteers have been attending the tree planting for years including the Pajero 4WD Club, Doncaster Secondary College Interact Club and Broadford scouts.
“A wonderful aspect of this event is bringing together urban and country folk, young and old, being exposed to worthy environmental projects like this,” Mr Fleming said.
Many people have become friends and return each year.
First-time volunteer Bella brought her children to help plant trees and said she was grateful to be involved, promising to return next year.
Mr Fleming said Southern Mitchell Rotarians had been an invaluable partner in the collaboration providing much appreciated nourishment on a winter weekend.
He said the project relied on farmers such as Jan Evans, principal of Burgess Farms, being willing to plant the trees on their property.
“There is no doubt the environment is enhanced and livestock is protected through projects run by Landcare,” he said.