Luke Wynne Gallagher Award winner Matthew Brandenburger from electrical technology with the Gallagher family. (Submitted photo)
WILLOW GROVE — EASTERN held its annual Awards Night on May 24 at Upper Moreland High School. This year, 171 students were recognized with $47,220 awarded for academic and technical achievement.
Upper Moreland High School’s auditorium was filled with EASTERN student award recipients, friends, family, award presenters, and participating school administrators. Dr. Cathleen Plesnarski, EASTERN’s Executive Director, kicked off the awards ceremony by welcoming all the families and supporters. She was followed by Dr. Art Levinowitz, EASTERN Joint Operating Committee President, who gave his final EASTERN Awards Night presentation, as he announced his November 2023 retirement. Joe Greb, EASTERN’s Assistant Director, was the MC for the ceremony, and Gerry Rooney, EASTERN’s Supervisor of Career and Technical Education, provided final remarks.
“Awards Night was an amazing evening where we honored so many outstanding students,” said Plesnarsk. “The awards presentation recognized 171 EASTERN students who have excelled at EASTERN and demonstrated commitment, leadership, and technical skills. We are proud of their accomplishments and delighted to be part of their story.”
Student awards are provided by the EASTERN Foundation, and supported by EASTERN staff, business and industry partners, community organizations, alumni, families of alumni, and individual donors. The purpose of EASTERN’s Foundation is to recognize EASTERN student achievement and success by assisting students as they transition to post-secondary education or directly into the workforce. A full list of student award recipients can be found at www.eastech.org.
EASTERN is a public school serving students in nine Eastern Montgomery County school districts. Those districts include Abington, Bryn Athyn, Cheltenham, Hatboro-Horsham, Jenkintown, Lower Moreland, Springfield, Upper Dublin, and Upper Moreland. Students benefit from specialized career programs that give them a competitive edge in college or a career. The campus is at 3075 Terwood Road in Willow Grove.