Good fields are becoming the norm for Tuesdays! This week’s Stableford Event on Tuesday June 13 was well supported with scores being close at the end of the round. The weather conditions were good, with the course is in good condition.
The winner was Ted Fader with 55 nett points and the runner up was Andrew Warden with 56 nett.
For Neil’s Family Meats pin shots, holes was 1st Lawrie English and 15th was Glen Lampberd. Congratulations to the winners.
Many thanks to Neil’s Family Meats for their sponsorship of the nearest to the pin shots.
For Thursday’s Social Club on 15 June, Front Nine was B. Grieve with 23 points, and Back Nine was J. Cartwright with 26 points.
On Saturday 17 June was Round Three of Gunabul Golf Club, Club Championship, sponsored by Neil Mansell Group.
Saturday saw a leadership change in B Grade of the Championship. Another big field turn out for the third round of the Club Championship. Scores remained close in both A and B grades. Weather conditions were ideal again with the morning a little warmer than previous weeks. Some excellent cards were handed in at the end of the round. The course remained in good condition. The winner was decided in a playoff between Bill Nolan and Marcus Sutton. Both players had found good form for round three.
Winners of the Stroke Event were Bill Nolan taking the win with 54 nett.
The runner up was Marcus Sutton with 54 nett.
Pin shot winners for A Grade was 3nd N/R and 10th Lawrie English.
B Grade was 7th N/R and 13th was Glen Lamperd.
The Neil’s Family Meat, Meat Tray winner was Rob Lumsden.
The Club Championship Leaders for A Grade were: Gross Lawrie English and Nett was Marcus Sutton.
B Grade was Gross Glen Lamperd and Nett was Bill Nolan.
Congrats to our winners this week. Many thanks Neil Mansell Group for their sponsorship and support of the Club Championship.
Good luck to all for the final round of Club Championship next Saturday.