In “Avengers” #1 by Jed MacKay, Carlos Villa, Federico Blee, and Cory Petit, from Marvel Comics, Captain Marvel visits heroes from across the Marvel Universe to join the Avengers. After making Iron Man her first pick and bringing Thor back into the fold, Carol sees Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers. However, Captain Marvel doesn’t recruit both shield-wielding heroes but instead offers just Sam a spot on the team. The news doesn’t hurt Rogers, nor is he upset about it. Carol explains that she doesn’t need another legendary hero on the roster but needs Wilson to give a more grounded perspective to a team filled with gods, wizards, billionaires, and kings.
“It’s laid out in #1, but the Avengers are sorely lacking the perspective of a normal person,” MacKay said. “Sam is valuable to the team not just as Captain America, but also as Sam Wilson, inner-city social worker. Sam is the conscience of the team, not just in an abstract of the dream as Captain America, but as someone who very much lives in the real world. As Carol says, ‘The Avengers aren’t gods. We can’t afford to act like we are.’ It’s Sam Wilson who reminds them of that.”
Villa added that it was important to level out the power among the team, joking, “Poor Sam Wilson,” about when it comes to fighting alongside gods. However, the talented artist echoed MacKay’s sentiments about why Wilson’s Captain America is part of the team, saying he’s there because he’s a “human element” the team would be missing otherwise.