A telecommunications company which was halted last month from putting up a 5G mobile phone mast on a Horsham residential estate is now trying again.
C K Hutchison Networks wants to site the mast in Jackdaw Lane, Littlehaven, but was told by Horsham District Council in May to find a different location following scores of objections from local residents.
But now the company has again submitted proposals to put up the phone mast in Jackdaw Lane and says that there are no other suitable sites nearby.
It says it has discounted locations at Littlehaven Station, three in Rusper Road, one in Gateford Drive and another in Raven Close as unsuitable.
Residents maintain that putting up a 15m mast in Jackdaw Lane would amount to an ‘eyesore’ in a densely populated area and would be twice as tall as the surrounding homes and tower above local trees.
They said: “Situated just metres from local homes and accompanied by three large unsightly utility cabinets, it would be an eyesore for the local community.”
Residents suggested there were many more suitable areas for the proposed mast – and Horsham Council agreed.
In a letter to the company, the council said: “The Local Planning Authority would advise the applicant/developer that alternative locations/sites should be explored for this development.”
However, in a further submission to the council this week, CK Hutchinson Networks says: “The very nature of installing new 5G mast infrastructure within such an urban setting requires a highly considered balance between the need to extend practical coverage reach with that of increasing risk of visual amenity intrusion.
“In this location, existing mast sites are not capable of supporting additional equipment compliment to extend coverage reach across the target area and prospective ‘in-fill’ mast sites are extremely limited.
“There is an acute need for a new base station to provide effective service coverage and in this case, the height of the proposed street pole is the minimum required to bring the benefits of 5G to this area.”
They add: “Modern mobile phone base stations operate on a low power and accordingly, need to be located within close proximity to the areas they are required to serve. Increasingly, people are also using mobile devices in the home which requires the installation of base station infrastructure closer to such residential areas.”