Do you want the chance to witness stunning wildflowers in bloom and learn why they are so special?
Then mark your calendar for Monday 3 July, to book a spot at the Sunshine Coast Wildflower Festival, with guided walks running from Saturday 19 August, to Sunday 3 September, from Bribie Island to Noosa.
The festival is specifically timed and scheduled around the flowering of the Wallum heath species – although spring sparks the flowering of many other plants.
Sunshine Coast Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Peter Cox said the festival continued to be a popular nature event, with up to 500 people attending each year.
“It is an event that celebrates the seasonal change of spring with the beautiful wildflower displays that emerge across the Sunshine Coast landscape,” Cr Cox said.
“Wildflower enthusiasts can expect a program of up to 25 guided walks, workshops and exhibitions.
“Kathleen McArthur, an artist, author, environmentalist and founding member of the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, developed the festival in 1967.
“Since then, it has grown into a much-anticipated annual event with local community groups hosting activities.
“The festival is the perfect time to see and learn more about the Sunshine Coast’s 1600 individual plant and fungi species from local experts.”
The full program will be listed at events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au with bookings opening Monday 3 July.
More information on local species is available by search ‘native plants’ and ‘wildflowers’ at sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au