US Forecast | National |
US Forecast for Monday, May 15, 2023 City/Town, State;Yesterday’s High Temp (F);Yesterday’s Low Temp (F);Today’s High Temp (F);Today’s Low Temp (F);Weather Condition;Wind Direction;Wind Speed (MPH);Humidity (%);Chance of Precip. (%);UV Index Albany, NY;67;38;74;49;Breezy in the p.m.;WSW;11;35%;1%;9 Albuquerque, NM;74;54;77;57;A p.m. t-storm;ESE;8;44%;56%;4 Anchorage, AK;55;42;56;41;Variable cloudiness;SSE;9;51%;27%;2 Asheville, NC;85;60;75;60;A t-storm or two;SSE;7;72%;98%;3 Atlanta, GA;86;66;84;67;A p.m. t-storm;SE;7;74%;91%;4 Atlantic City, NJ;62;54;70;58;Breezy in … [Read more…]