THE philosophy of Probus is to foster the true spirit of friendship, fellowship and fun for retired and semi-retired men and women around the world and Nambucca River Combined Probus Club upheld these aims with a recent outing to the Buffalo Farm in Eungai.
The Nambucca Valley’s retired population is well above the national average and as well as locals enjoying retirement, there are those who have moved here to be nearer to their children and grandchildren, while others have come for the less expensive housing, the pristine beaches, or perhaps a desire to be self-sufficient on a small holding.

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Probus clubs formed in the UK during the sixties and began in Australia in 1976.
The name was coined using the first three letters of the words ‘professional’ and ‘business’, however, clubs are open to any retired (or semi-retired) person with the aim being to provide a social network for those of similar age and life experience.
“Although the retirement experience may be diverse, all share the need of company with people the same age, those who married around the same time, and raised children in the same era and because they share the same world history, they understand each other so there’s no need for subtitles or lengthy explanations,” said Nambucca River Combined Probus Club President Helen Kirkpatrick.
“It is relatively easy to make friends as a working person and as parents, but outside of the workplace and away from the duties that parenthood demands – playgroups, P &Cs, sporting club canteen duty – it’s not so easy.”
This month the Nambucca River Combined Probus Club celebrated eighteen years of ‘fun and friendship in retirement’.
Meeting on the third Thursday of the month in Nambucca RSL’s Down Under Bar at 10.30 am, the club offers a range of cultural and social activities, including trips to places its members might not otherwise visit.
“Over the next few months we will be having a lunch of homemade soups and slices at Valla Reserve, a ‘Christmas in July’ function, a day out at the Bowraville Races and we are also planning a short break of a few days to Port Macquarie,” Probus Publicity Officer Bob Willet said.
The highlight of each meeting is a guest speaker and topics are diverse and always interesting and informative.
Being a Probus member offers friendship with likeminded people and promises a very warm welcome.
For more information, contact Publicity Officer Bob Willet on 0467 200 124.