*This group’s aim is polite philosophical debate*
This group is named after “Complete illustrated Book of the Psychic Sciences” a book by Walter B. Gibson 1966.A fun and interesting read.
(Walter Brown Gibson (September 12, 1897 – December 6, 1985) was an American writer and professional magician, best known for his work on the pulp fiction character The Shadow. Wikipedia)
☆The ‘Occult and Psychical Sciences’ on DK
is a spooky group here on DK)☆
The group will consist of stories about the spooky and scary, personal anecdotes, and general Paranormal, Philosophical,metaphysical,Arcane, Esoteric,and Existential information,& conversation about the unexplained in the world and universe.
(& all Religion is welcome here in this space.)
People are encouraged to share their personal spooky experiences, philosophy, and similar influences. (Please contact me in kmail if you wish to join us).~A spookylink: psychicscience
The Strange Phenomena of Animal Mutilations
Reports of inexplicably mutilated animal carcasses have been around for years in the UK
and around the world
New Yorker
The Enduring Panic About Cow Mutilations
Aliens, the government, or unspecified shadowy forces—another round of “mutes” incites familiar fears.
In the seventies, mutilated cows began to be reported across the country—a couple of dozen in Minnesota, more than a hundred in Colorado, and others in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and elsewhere. Midway through the decade, newspapers began to repeat the questionably sourced statistic of ten thousand total mutilations. By 1975, the Colorado Associated Press reportedly voted the mutilations the No. 1 story in the state.
Nowadays, reports of cattle mutilation are often linked to speculation about extraterrestrial activity, but, in the seventies, many people believed that sinister government forces were to blame. Farmers and ranchers reported seeing unmarked helicopters hovering over fields near mutilation sites. Some claimed that the aircraft had chased them, or even fired at them. The paranoia had a contagious quality; ranchers formed vigilante groups, tracked helicopter sightings, and stopped out-of-state vehicles to search them for evidence. It seemed possible that the panic could tip into something worse. “Now it appears that ranchers are arming themselves to protect their livestock, as well as their families and themselves,” the Colorado senator Floyd Haskell wrote to the F.B.I., pleading for the agency to open an investigation.
When a mutilation story got big, other people would start making similar reports, and many of them wouldn’t pan out. He didn’t know if they were after attention or money or some strange version of validation. “That’s what I think happened here,” he said. “This person was so into hoping it was a mutilation.”
Letter from the Southwest
Oct 30, 1975 — Stockmen and lawmen alikel have been baffled by the mys‐I terious mutilations. Since April in Colorado a!one, 196 cows, as well as one buffalo
To date cases are now reported all over the world, with reports coming from Canada, Central and South America, Australia and Europe including the UK. The majority of cases have followed the same similar pattern
Detectives perplexed by mysterious Oregon cattle mutilations
Apr 18, 2021 — Detectives with the Crook County Sheriff’s Office, longtime ranchers and a Prineville veterinarian who reviewed evidence from an ongoing
Oct 8, 2019 — In remote eastern Oregon, a serial crime is unfolding. Someone is killing purebred bulls
Jun 20, 2015 — Mutilation or explosion? Cow’s gruesome death puzzles Alberta hamlet. Rumours of vigilantes, cults
Australia public broadcasting
A north Queensland couple has been left baffled by a bizarre finding on their property, which seems like something straight from a horror film.
Graziers Mick and Judy Cook were working on their property in Cloverly, north-west of Mackay, when Mr Cook noticed a dead cow carcass which appeared to have had its body mutilated, with its entire udder, ears and tongue removed. .google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/10190
“asked if the right hon. Gentleman is aware that, on the night of 28th October, a bullock, the property of a man who holds grazing…”
Aug 28, 2011 — The organisation, called the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU), was set up in 2001 to investigate after sheep
Animal/Cattle Mutilation In the mid-1970s, reports of scattered animal mutilations in western and mid-western states concerned
Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision[1] and unexplained livestock death,[2] or animal mutilation) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under unusual, usually bloodless circumstances. This phenomenon has been observed among wild animals as well.
While many unconventional explanations have been put forward to explain cattle mutilations, a variety of scientists, veterinary workers, and knowledgeable observers (including farmers and other agricultural workers) have suggested more conventional ideas, most of which revolve around the hypothesis that “mutilated” animals died of natural causes and were subjected to known terrestrial phenomena – including the action of predators, parasites, and scavengers
Worldwide, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, bison, deer and elk have been reported mutilated with similar bloodless excisions; often an ear, eyeball, jaw flesh, tongue, lymph nodes, genitals and rectum are removed.
Since the first reports of animal mutilations, various explanations have been offered, ranging from natural decomposition and normal predation to cults and secretive governmental and military agencies, to a range of speculations, including cryptid predators (like the chupacabra) and extraterrestrials. Mutilations have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the United States.en.m.wikipedia.org/…
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