By Corey Everitt
Local MP for Narracan Wayne Farnham has joined a petition calling for a 24 hour police station in Drouin which he says would be ‘critical’ for surrounding towns such as Bunyip.
This ‘e-petition’ was created by local group ‘Committee for Drouin’ to address what they believe is an oversight in policing in the area.
Currently Drouin has a police station which is manned for 16 hours each day.
Warragul has the closest 24 hour police station, with the next closest being Pakenham.
As the description says, the petition aims to “draw to the attention of the Legislative Assembly the lack of a 24/7 police station in Drouin and the risk it is creating in the local community.”
“The current Drouin police station is often unmanned, and when issues occur within Drouin police, if available, are sent from Warragul causing significant delay in response times.”
The direct action proposed is for the State Government to “take immediate action so that a 24/7 station can operate within Drouin to protect the local and surrounding communities.”
The cause is Drouin and surrounding towns in West Gippsland.
As Mr Farnham says when he took to facebook to proclaim support.
“This is critical not just in Drouin, but to support towns around Drouin who deserve a 24/7 police presence 365 days a year,” he said.
Local towns such as Bunyip are a greater distance than Drouin from 24 hour stations, Warragul and Pakenham are the closest being 26 kilometres and 25 kilometres away respectively.
On Tuesday June 13 announced on facebook he would be sponsoring the petition and called on his electorate to sign.
“I’m really happy to sponsor this petition, but we need your help,” he said.
“Get it out there, let’s get as many signatures as we can to put real pressure on the Government to deliver this important infrastructure for Drouin.”
A spokesperson for the State Government said the area is adequately serviced.
“All Victorians receive a 24-hour police response, seven days a week, wherever they live. The Shire of Baw Baw is ably serviced by five police stations including a 24-hour station in Warragul and stations in Drouin, Neerim South, Trafalgar and Rawson,” they said.
“Our record investment of $4.5 billion is delivering more than 3,600 new sworn police officers, as well as state-of the-art intelligence systems, new technology, new and upgraded police stations and stronger laws.
“The recruitment of additional sworn members and PSOs will support Victoria Police to allocate more resources to areas of need and will help to further meet the growing needs of the state.
“The location and deployment of police officers is a matter for the Chief Commissioner of Police.”