The short film, which will feature at the upcoming Focus on Ability Film Festival, was shot at the Port of Echuca and Rotary Park.
Written, produced and directed by Craig Wyhoon, Loki and Me tells the story of two young orphans seeking refuge in a country town.
“This film is all about inclusion and providing an opportunity for those living with disabilities to have fun and show their talents and learn new skills,” Mr Wyhoon said.
The film featured a cast of local actors and extras, with all bar two of the production team hailing from the region.
One of the actors was Skye Hope, 10.
Skye said she enjoyed the challenge of learning lines and rehearsing the many scenes.
“I greatly enjoy the filming process and for this scene I’ve already done six takes,” Skye said.
“I’m really enjoying being on set and I’m having loads of fun.”
After about six hours of patiently waiting for his scenes to start shooting, Daniel Holman took his first step on to the set under the wharf where the two characters finally meet up.
“I’m eager to be part of this project, as I get to be famous and be in a movie for the first time,” Daniel said.
One of the extras was Unna Hietanen from Finland, who is in Australia as an exchange student.
“While I don’t consider myself an actor, I’ve definitely enjoyed the filming process,” Unna said.
“I think the film has a positive message and shows that everyone has talents that should be shared with the world.”
Mr Wyhoon was busy throughout filming, ensuring the actors, extras and crew knew their roles, steering the project from start to finish.
The film also received support from Thrive Support Services and Holistic Ability featuring a cast of young and talented actors and extras, who also happen to have a disability.
Despite the tight constraints of a three-day shoot, Mr Wyhoon was able to ensure all scenes were recorded by noon on Sunday.
“I am very proud of all of the participants that were involved in the whole filming process,” Mr Wyhoon said.
“We are so thankful for the support from the local community, businesses, the Port of Echuca, Echuca-Moama Tourism and Campaspe Shire Council for helping us bringing this to life.”
The Focus on Ability Film Festival is a competition that offers film makers from around the world to make a short film with the possibility of winning prizes totalling $100,000 as well as a car and other experiences.