By Chantelle Bozicevic
A humpback whale was discovered dead on Rainbow Beach near Pacific Boulevard on Tuesday 20 June.
The whale had been seen drifting a few hundred meters off the coast the previous day before washing ashore. According to a local witness, the whale appeared bloated and showed no signs of nets or injuries.
The beached whale, found on the north end of the beach, exhibited no visible signs of injury, as reported by a local resident who stumbled upon it. Authorities were immediately notified and are investigating the cause of death.
A spokesperson for the Queensland Department of Environment and Science said, “Strandings can happen for many different reasons, including natural mortality, and can occur anywhere along the Queensland coast. Whales can also die at sea and remain unseen by the public.
“We can expect to see a small number of whale deaths and strandings each year during the annual migration. This includes whales suffering from natural disease issues and juveniles being attacked by predators.
“If a whale is stranded in shallow water, be wary of entering the water, as sharks may be around or the whale could move and injure you. Look after your own safety first.”
Rescue crews arrived on the afternoon of Tuesday June 20, however were unable to move the animal due to it’s size. Rainbow Recovery, Repairs and Services say in all their years of doing recovery they have never left a job unfinished.
Rangers are considering a preferred option of transporting the whale for burial and land disposal, however due to the steep dunes and the whale’s size and location, this may be problematic.
An alternative option would be to tow the animal back out to sea by vessel and securing it in mangroves in the Sandy Strait.
People are advised to stay away from the area, and not to get close or touch the whale as they can carry diseases.
Authorities have appealed to the public to report any sick, injured, or deceased dugongs, dolphins, whales, or marine turtles to the Marine Park Authority at 1300 130 372.
As investigations continue, residents and visitors are urged to be vigilant and report any relevant sightings. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible environmental practices and the collective responsibility to protect marine life and their habitats.