Yarding 5345 Change +1493
It was a mixed yarding with yearlings and weaners suitable for the restockers and feeders making up a large portion of the yarding with only limited numbers to suit the processors.
There were good numbers of grown steers, heifers and cows and there were the usual runs of Bos Indicus cattle.
Most of the usual buyers were operating along with a couple of additional northern feeder orders.
Young cattle to the trade were 15c cheaper on quality with prime yearlings selling from 300c to 396c/kg. Feeder steers were up to 26c cheaper while the feeder heifers were 2c/kg cheaper. Feeder steers sold from 220c to 368c while the feeder heifers sold from 194c to 344c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers were 20c to 40c cheaper with the young steers selling from 230c to 376c while the young restocker heifers sold from 170c to 256c/kg. Grown steers were 10c to 15c cheaper while the grown heifers were up to 25c/kg cheaper. Prime grown steers sold from 240c to 336c while the prime grown heifers sold from 220c to 319c/kg.
Cows were firm to 5c dearer with the 2 and 3 scores selling from 100c to 208c/kg. Prime heavy weight cows sold from 196 to 231c to average 218c/kg.
The restockers paid from 80c to 138c/kg for cows in plain condition.
Heavy bulls sold to 250c/kg.
Market reporter: David Monk
Source: NLRS. To view full NLRS Dubbo sale report click here