Yarding 2028 Change +1275
Combined prime and store sale: Quality was mixed with a good supply of heavy prime cows and some very good quality young steers and heifers.
A smaller buyer panel operated at reduced rates throughout including opportunity restockers who provided some valuable competition.
Cattle were drawn from Mt Isa to Georgetown and south to the local area. Light steers to restockers sold to 366 with a good sample averaging 361c/kg. Similar heifers reached 258c to average 216c/kg. Yearling steers above 280kg to feed reached 300c to average 285c/kg. A good line of yearling heifers returning to the paddock sold to 306c to average 284c/kg.
A greater supply of grown steers to feed made to 271c to average 268c/kg. A small sample of grown heifers to the trade sold to 236c to average 223c/kg. A mixed sample of heavy bullocks to export slaughter reached 264c to average 253c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows to processors sold to 175c to average 170c and 3 scores topped at 206c to average 183c/kg. A good sample of prime heavyweight cows topped at 195 to average 192c/kg.
Heavy bulls to feed destined for live export sold to 274c to average 266c/kg. Small pens of cows and calves sold from $1,000 to $1,125/unit.
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