First off, copy the link to this story because this is one you will want to pass around to your siblings on Facebook and compare notes. You may find out something about Dad you didn’t know.
Happy american family, father with son
When you think of all the shining moments your father has given you will it be what he has taught you or how he has loved you? Some may say that teaching, protecting, lifting up, and encouraging are all part of love. There are an abundant amount of words you could describe your dad. Pick one.
And, now while you are focusing on that description, let’s see how well you know your dad, father, daddy, or papa. Just hope you don’t call him bro or dude!
Feel free to fill in your answers below:
Son with father testing new bought car, dad teaching teen boy to drive auto
What are his Dad-ism’s?
I’m not just talking to hear myself
When I was your age
Don’t tell mom
Go ask your mom
I’m not made of money
What are Dads hobbies?
Tinkering with his car
Handsome dad with his little cute sun are playing baseball on green grassy lawn
Do you know what his favorite sports are?
Scuba diving
Dad with daughter at home
How Dad met Mom?
On line
High school
Blind date
A friends wedding
Family reunion
The first thing Dad does in the morning?
Makes coffee
Checks his phone
Gives you a hug
Feeds the dog
Does Dad have a guilty pleasure?
Eating junk food
First 30 minutes of the day, quiet time
Rewatching kid movies
Date night
Getting another tattoo
Pretending to still be asleep when the dogs need to go out
Reading a book on the patio while my wife mows the lawn
Christmas relaxment at home
Best thing Dad taught you?
Never have expectations
Family is first
One closing thought for children and parents, let them know you.
Ways To Up Your Grilling Game
A variety of tips and suggestions to improve your results with backyard grilling or cooking in general. Some of these are new ideas, some might be reminders of old-knowledge – but they’re all good things to keep in mind when barbecuing.
Offbeat adventures: Travel to the coolest hidden wonders in every U.S. state
[WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter private or abandoned property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing.]