Damien Michael Aviles, Joshua Aiden Ayles, Emma Nicole Bacigalupo, Nicole Amae Bellabarba, Kyle David Berthiaume, Tristin Michael Bettez, Kylie Ann Black, Genesis K. Boule’-Ivanowski, Shea Edward Brennan, Nathaniel Paul Byron, Jon Wilder Castine, Madison Ann Choquette, Christian Anthony Cosme, Matthew Luis Diaz, Kylei Jean Doucette, Kylie Ann Doucette, Emma Isabella Dresser, Aedan Napoleon Erickson, Kyle Brody Evans, Zoey Elizabeth Farnsworth, Marie Kyra R. Jude Faustin, Erick Yandel Flores Velez, Jorge Yaniel Flores Velez, Javan Michael Fox, Mark Allen Gauthier, Sydney Ann Gauvin, Holden James Girouard, Anna Elizabeth Gonzalez, William Garry Gordon, Gianni Noemi Grau, Honnah Alyssa Griffith, Shyanne Kayleen Hill, Mathew Ty Holzhauer, Cheyenne Rayne Hoyt, Gabriel Ryan Hume, Lillian Rae-Ann Johnson, Emily Elizabeth Kent, Jacob Charles Knowles, Carl Nelson Lemere III, Alyssa Christine Logan, Nathan Michael Manning, Dylan Gregory Marion, Karlee Evelyn McHugh, Damien Paul Mehigan, Logan Xander Minkema, Colin Elliott Mundell, Kyle Jeffrey O’Connell, Brandon Derick Ouellet, Connor William Paas, Logan Anthony Parker, Emilie Rose Parsons, Nathan Eugene Petrin, Sam Samoeun Phaisikhieuv, Evelyn Raine Pisani, Gina Vivian Potenti, Jacob Edward Rathburn, Dylan Edward Rediker, Michael Marsh Richards, Alyssa Payge Robinson, Lydia Kathleen Rocheleau, Lucas James Saisa, Emma Ray Salerno, Alancia Santer, Ashanjeriel Manuel Santiago, Michael Ryan Scanzillo, Dominic Gregory Schultz, Kiana Rosemarie Shaffer, William Alexander Steele III, Conall S. D. Tontodonato, Cameron Shawn Troche, Daniel Joseph Wallace, Gabriella Marie Ward, Edward Lewis Warren, Bailey Bryan White, Matthew Stephen Williams, Haley Ann Willis, Richard Thomas Young III.
Athol Teachers Association Scholarship: Nicole Bellabarba, Gabriel Hume Post Graduates Gabriel Hume, Owen Wilhite; Tully City Council Club Scholarship: Emma Bacigalupo, Gabriel Hume; Athol Boosters Scholarship Awards: Joshua Ayles, Emma Bacigalupo, Kylei Doucette, Marie Kyra Faustin, Sydney Gauvin, Holden Girourard, Gabriel Hume, Alyssa Logan, Brandon Oulette, Connal Tontodonato; Royalston Parent Teacher Group Scholarship: Lillian Johnson; Ladies’ Benevolent Society of Royalston H. Pauline Smith Award: Nicole Bellabarba; Nancy S. Bolton Award: Lillian Johnson 202 Street Hockey Association Rockefeller/VanOs Scholarship: Gabriel Hume; South Royalston School Reunion Scholarship: Sydney Gauvin; Athol Police Association Scholarship: Emma Bacigalupo; Kessler Investments Scholarship: Nicole Bellabarba; Athol Masonic Charity Education Society Award: Nicole Bellabarba; Orange American Legion Post 172 Scholarship: Alyssa Logan; Dr. Norman Goldman Scholarship: Emma Bacigalupo, Nicole Bellabarba, Marie Kyra Faustin, Gabriella Ward; MWCC Health Careers Opportunity Program Scholarship: Genesis Boule’-Ivanowski, Madison Choquette, Evelyn Pisani, Alancia Santer, Gabriella Ward; Barbara A. Fortier Memorial Scholarship: Marie Kyra Faustin; Athol Lions Club Scholarship: Emma Bacigalupo, Nicole Bellabarba, Gabriel Hume; Athol Orange Rotary Club Scholarship: Marie Kyra Faustin, Connall Tontodonato; Athol Royalston Athletic Association Award: Emma Bacigalupo, Holden Girourd; Chet Hall Memorial Scholarship: Emma Baciglupo, Nicole Bellabarba, Holden Girourd, Gabriel Hume, Connal Tontodonato; Amber Simmington Memorial Volleyball Scholarship: Alyssa Logan; Jason Trombley Mike Bridgwood Memorial Scholarship: Gabriel Hume; Roylaston Adacemy Katherine Seymour Bullock Cole Scholarship: Nicole Bellabarba, Lillian Johnson, Gabriella Ward.
Athol High School Scholarship Association –
Athol High School Scholarship Association general scholarship and the Helen C. Ellsworth Award: Joshua Ayles, Emma Bacigalupo, Nicole Bellabarba, Kylei Doucette, Marie-Kyra Faustin, Sydney Gauvin, Honnah Griffith, Holden Girouard, Gabe Hume, Lillian Johnson, Alyssa Logan, Kyle O’Connel, Brandon Ouellet, Sam Phaisikhieuv, Evelyn Pisani, Alyssa Robinson, Alancia Santer, Conall Tontodonato, Cameron Troche, Gabriella Ward; AHS Post Grads General scholarship: Zackery Aldrich, Angelica Baptista, Nicholas Bousquet, Anna-Rose Brewer, Kendall Deleo, Parker Deleo, Tatum Fox, Vincent Gordon, Amanda Holden, Logan Hume, Luke Innis, Madelynn Kenniff, Bryce King, Lily King, Kayleigh Leblanc, Keely Leeman, Evan Mayer, Krystal McCulley, Aidan Needle, Reily Polana, Maren Riordon, Madelynn Robertson, Colby Soltysik, Isabelle Spooner, Jenna St. Cyr, Owen Willhite, Logan Wornham; AHSSA in the name of William G Lord: Damien Aviles, Dominic Schultz; AHSSA in the name of Henry A Sterns Memorial: Conall Tontodonato; AHSSA in memory of Cathy Cole: Cameron Troche; AHSSA in the name of Webb R. Avery & Ethel S. Avery: Gabriella Ward; AHSSA In the name of Edwin C. Temple Memorial Award: Brandon Ouellet; AHSSA Athol American Legion Post 102: Gabriel Hume, Gabriella Ward; AHSSA in the name of Lloyd J. Newton: Emma Bacigalupo; AHSSA in the name of Gladys Crawford Webber: Conall Tontodonato; AHSSA in the name of Theodore H & Helen E. Berard Kyle O’Oconnell AHSSA in the name of Ashley Beth Softic: Holden Girouard; AHSSA in the name of Henry J & Clare E. Brouillet: Marie-Kyra Faustin; AHSSA in the name of Natalie, Alan and Abbey Plotkin: Cameron Troche; AHSSA in the name of Joseph R Songer: Cameron Troche; AHSSA in the name of Daniel Laakso: Conall Tontodonato; AHSSA in the name of Randall Kamerbeek: Joshua Ayles; AHSSA in the name of Forrest & Bernice Blackmer: Lillian Johnson; AHSSA in the name of Etienne Lozier: Sam Phaisikhieuv; AHSSA in the name of John Linker: Conall Tontodonato; AHSSA in the name of Ann Williams: Emma Bacigalupo; AHSSA in the name of Morris E. Katz & Freda H. Katz: Sam Phaisikhieuv; AHSSA in the name of Cathy Robuccio: Gabriel Hume; AHSSA in the name of David Farrar: Nicole Bellabarba; AHSSA in the name of Brian Rivers: Kylei Doucette, Joshua Ayles; AHSSA in the name of Karen Raymond Dugay: Alyssa Robinson; AHSSA in the name of Greg Stone: Alyssa Logan; AHSSA Lithuanian Club Award: Evelyn Pisani; AHSSA in the name of Cinny Hager: Alyssa Robinson; A.H.S. Scholarship Association Merit Scholarship: Emma Bacigalupo , Nicole Bellabarba, Luke Innis, Krystal McCulley; AHSSA in Honor of Pauline Plotkin: Honnah Griffith; AHSSA Dr. Elizabeth Ervin Scholarship: Conall Tontodonato; Dorothy Frances Bickford Scholarship Award: Sydney Gauvin; AHSSA in the name of Richard Plotkin: Brandon Ouellet; AHSSA in the name of Marguerite Stewart Donnelly: Sydney Gauvin, Alancia Santer; AHSSA in Honor of Dr. Mathews: Bradley Bousquet, Zachary Aldrich.
A total of $179,740 in scholarships were awarded to graduates and post graduates of Athol High School.