Wants to Extend Bus Line to Altamont
A petition with many signatures is being circulated about Altamont, to be presented to the Public Service commission of the state, asking that the petitioner, DeWitt C. Main, owner of the bus line from Guilderland Center to Albany, be permitted to extend the line from Guilderland Center to the Village of Altamont.
This would seem to be a good move and a needed improvement. We cannot have too great facilities for getting back and forth between the centers of population and the suburban villages. Get your name on this petition if it comes your way.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Moellar has an abscess in her head located near the brain. She was taken to the Albany hospital and is now being treated. When Mr. and Mrs. Moellar came out of the hospital to return home they found their car, which had been parked near there, gone. Police headquarters were notified and the car was found the next day.
Arthur H. Steiner Buried
At Berne Last Sunday
The funeral service of Arthur H. Steiner, of Altamont and Berne, was held at the home of his father, John Steiner, at Berne, last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Steiner was in his 52nd year, and is survived by his father and a brother, Gabriel N. P. Steiner, of Albany City hospital.
The autopsy revealed that Mr. Steiner had met his death as a result of swallowing a quantity of carbolic acid sometime in the early morning. He was found in an unconscious condition Friday morning in a poultry house on the Schell property, where he was employed.
Mr. Steiner had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. He had been handicapped from birth by a physical deformity which caused him great inconvenience and was an increasing burden as he grew older. It is thought that despondency and lack of permanent employment may have led to his action in taking his life.
Mr. Steiner was a consistent Christian from boyhood, and was a member of the Berne Reformed church. During his residence in Altamont he was always seen in attendance at the services of the Reformed church. Despite his handicap, he always had a cheery smile to greet his friends, and strangers as well. Never afraid of hard work, happy and cheerful in spite of misfortune, willing to lend a hand where needed, appreciative of favors granted—these were a few of his characteristics. It is a source of deep regret to his friends that he passed away at a time when many more years of service would have been left to him.
Children’s day will be observed in the M. E. church on June 17, with a cantata by about thirty-five little folk at 8:15 o’clock in the evening, daylight saving time, called “Praise Notes from Summerland.” Sunbeams, sweet peas, daisies, and other flowers will appear to render their praise, along with the members of the Sunday school. Queen of Summerland will also appear. The public is cordially invited.
The state highways in and near Altamont are being oiled this week. After the oiling process is completed a coating of fine stone is spread on the road. While this will cause some inconvenience to motorists for a few days until the oil has been absorbed or carried away on tires, eventually it will improve the surface of the road. It will keep the dust down if nothing else is accomplished.