May 16, 2023
Toowoomba Regional Council has endorsed a plan to transition its fleet to electric vehicles.
The “Fleet Transition to Sustainable Fuel Action Plan” was adopted at Tuesday’s Ordinary Meeting.
Cr Carol Taylor said the adoption of the plan was a key step in Council reducing its carbon footprint.
“Sustainability is one of the five goals of TRC as an organisation under our Corporate Plan and to deliver on that commitment back to our community we must look at all avenues to become more sustainable which includes transitioning our fleet to alternative fuel sources over time,” Cr Taylor said.
“Council has approximately 700 light and heavy vehicles and 1100 earthmoving, mowing and other equipment assets that may be suitable for transitioning to sustainable fuels in the future.
“The Action Plan Council has adopted will be incorporated into the Fleet and Logistics Business Plan and provide the framework for assessing the feasibility of transitioning each fleet asset.
“Council has begun the transitioning journey with work currently under way trialling electric vehicles, mowers and various other equipment. The lessons being learned from these initial introductions will assist Council with the overall transitioning of fleet assets to sustainable fuel sources.
“The plan is not just about electric vehicles, there will be other technologies implemented as the plan unfolds over the next decade or more.”
The strategic plan will also involve the roll-out over time of charging infrastructure across Council facilities.