Rockhampton Photo Club
Well, the Rocky Show is done and dusted for 2023.
For folks who were unable to visit the Photography Exhibition in McCamley Hall, the four gorgeous champion photos are featured in this article.
Ehlyjah-Alyx Lee is the Champion Photographer for the Primary School section.
He was only 6 years old when he took his Champion photo, sunset.
He was with his family at the Murray Lagoon and borrowed his stepdad’s camera to capture this lovely photo.
Jack Coggan, a Year 12 lad at TCC, is the Champion photographer for the High School section.
He was travelling with his family towards Adelaide.
When they stopped for lunch, he instead spent his time following a family of swans with his new 70-350mm lens.
The Swan was the wonderful result.
Emma Allen, the champion photographer for the public section, lives on a property near Coowonga, Qld.
She took the champion public photo, me and grandad, when her son and his grandad were relaxing (in wheelbarrows) as the sun was setting after a long and tiring day working in the yards.
A few curious cows wanted to get into the photo as well.
Rex Boggs, a member of the Rocky Photo Club, loves to take photos at Zoos and Wild Animal Parks – so many wonderful animals to photograph, and all in one place.
Bad hair day was the champion open photo of a vulture taken at the Portland Zoo in Oregon, USA.
This photo was also judged to be the grand champion photo for the 2023 Rocky Show.
So get out your camera and start taking your lovely photos for the 2024 Rocky Show Exhibition. It’s never too early to start!