Throughout May Bundaberg Regional Council undertook several works across the region including road surface repairs, bus shelter installations and replacement of pathways.
The Avoca and Duffy Street intersection upgrade through the Blackspot Program was started in May, while a number of major projects, including Barber Street footpath and Mercers Road sealing, was completed during the month.
Safety improvements began along Hummock Road, with work undertaken by Council to achieve a consistent sealed road standard between Zinks Road and Three Chain Road.
Residents travelling on Birthamba Road in South Kolan will be safer as Council continues to improve the road through the Black Spot Program with an estimated cost of $407,000.
May roads and drainage summary
A range of other minor and maintenance works were also completed, including:
Roads repairs
- Ohlaf Street Moore Park Beach
- Meghan Crecent Qunaba
Maintenance works
Drain maintenance:
- Riverview
- Coonarr
- Alloway
- Moore Park Beach
- Hummock Road
- Avoca Road
- Branyan Drive
- Double D Drive
- Heathwood Lane
Drain cleaning:
- Windermere Road
- McKenzies Road
- Crook Street
- Fermann Street
- Mahogany Creek Road
Bus stop slabs and footpaths maintenance:
- Maryborough Street
- Sylvan Drive
- Moore Park Road / Lassig Street
- Mulgrave Street
- Croft Street
Installation of bus shelters:
- Whalley Street
- Davidson Street
- Croft Street
- Pitt Street
Maintenance patching:
- Burnett Heads
- Millbank
- Bargara
- Branyan
- Qunaba
- Bundaberg Central
Asphalt repairs:
- Poinciana Drive
- Simpson Crescent
- Meghan Crescent
- Ohlaf Street
Pipe and pit repairs:
- Avokahville Avenue
- Glen Appin Drive
- Bargara Road
- Jocumsen Street
- Taylor Street
Grading works completed:
- Nortons Road
- Vecellios Road
- Cane Road
- Murdochs Linking Road
- Stewarts Roads
- Baillies Road
- Barnards Road
- Beestons Road
- Bobbermans Road
- Hunts Road
- Beryls Road
- Henkers Road
- Wards Road
- Careys Road
- Blairs Road
- Kenzlers Road
- Ferris Road
- Back Windemere Road
- Phillips Road
- Erskine Road
Line marking:
- Rocky Point
- Winfield
- Avondale
Maintenance works
- South Bingera Road, South Bingera – Repairs to earth surface drain
- Beach Access Road, Woodgate Vegetation clearing for visibility
- Woppis Road, Woodgate Vegetation clearing for visibility
- McDonalds Road, Farnsfield – shoulder repairs, removal of dead trees, realignment of intersection with North Isis Road
- Promisedland Road, Cordalba Replacement of two x 450mm RCPs and headwalls
- Booyal – Old School Road, Birketts Road, Mixhills Road, Colemans Road, Walters Road, Vella Road, Old Booyal Road, Uphams Road, Ringwood Road
- Duingal – Loeskows Road, Walla Island Road
Area Construction:
- Green Court, Buxton Replacement of pathway
- Birthamba Road, South Kolan Horizontal Curve Improvements
- Berries Road, Eureka – Vegetation clearing, renewal of culverts and resealing
Gin Gin
Area maintenance
- Resheeting – Kolan Flats Road
- Road Realignment – Plumtree Creek Road
Road Grading Gin Gin and Surrounds
- Bucca: Adies Road, Cummings Road, Goondoon Road, Hurleys Road, Jones Road, Luckes Rd, North Bucca Road, Reads Road, Sarnadskys Road
- Dalysford: Dalysford Road, Wahroonga Road
- Horse Camp: Michelles Road
- Kolonga: Rosehill Road
- Maroondan: Kolan Flats Road
- Moolboolaman: Duckpond Road, Grass Tree Road, H Bust Road, Moolboolaman Road, T Bust Road
- Moorland: Parcemi Road
- Takilberan: Retreat Road
- Wonbah: Plumtree Creek Road
- Yandaran: School Lane
Gin Gin Area Construction
- Adies Road, Bucca – Renewal of Concrete Floodway
Bridge works
- Refurbishment work on Perry River Bridge.
Flexi posts and hazard width marker signs have been installed on bridges and culverts:
- Delan Road Culvert
- Fairydale Road Culvert
- Monduran Road Culvert
- Monduran Road Culvert
- Skyring Reserve Road Culvert
- Tantitha Creek Culvert
- Wallaville-Goondoon Road Culvert
- Leesons Road Culvert
- Garryowen Road Culvert
- Winfield Road Culvert
- Kinagin Bridge Road
- Walla Street Bridge
- Wyper Street Bridge
- Wynter Street Bridge
- Turpentine Road Bridge
- Fairydale Road Bridge
Last month’s roads and drainage: click here