Kate Valesky took the oath as fire marshal from Hatboro Mayor Tim Schultz at Monday’s Borough Council meeting.
HATBORO, PA —She was new on the job. But there was Kate Valesky climbing a tree and rescuing a cat who had found itself in harm’s way.
Such is one of the job duties in a small town and Valesky is answering the call as the borough’s first female fire marshal.
“As the first female borough manager, I’m happy to have her,” Borough Manager Diane Hegele told Patch Wednesday.
Valesky took the oath of office from Mayor Tim Schultz during Monday’s Hatboro Borough Council meeting.
Borough officials said that Valesky has more than 18 years of firefighting experience and expertise.
“Many have already met Kate over the last month while she worked with residents and business owners to address property maintenance issues, perform inspections, and provide fire safety tips along the way,” borough officials said.
Valesky replaces Tyler Dormer, who resigned from the post around Easter. Dormer had also been appointed as the borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator, replacing Police Chief James Gardner.
Borough officials said Valesky is expected to be appointed to that post in June.
In other fire department business:
The Enterprise Fire Company handled 19 calls during the month of April and attended Earth Day festivities at Pennypack and the book sale for the Union Library.